The Carmelite life is a call to contemplative life of prayer and at the same time it is a call to intensive evangelization as be- queathed by St. Teresa of Avila, the reformer par excellence of the Carmelite Order. Pope Paul VI in his discourse to the members of the O.C.D. General Chapter said, “Whenever the need of the Church demands the Discalced Carmelites should be ready to be parish priests where they have been contemplative monks in monasteries.”

In response to this clarion call of the Pope, Very. Rev. Fr. Jerome Payyappally, O.C.D., the then Provincial of Manjummel Province, India, sent Rev. Frs. Bonaventure and Carmel to search for a suitable place for evangelization. They brought an enticing and pressing invitation from Rt. Rev. Dr. Alphonsus Beretta, PIME, the Bishop of Warangal. On 24th May, 1971 Very Rev. Fr. Jerome ac- companied by Fr. Bernadine Mary Louis hurried to Wellington, Nilgiris to meet Bishop Beretta who was there for a few days. The Bishop drew a few lines to indicate Burgampad, Bhadrachalam, Venkatapurum and Kothagudem Taluks of Khammam District in Andhra Pradesh and said “I give you a vast territory with 2 parishes viz. Kothagudem and Thallada.” He was so persuasive and said “send me three priests immediately to start the pioneering work; don’t worry about them. I will take care of them as I do my own Priests.” The kindness and generosity of Bishop Beretta is proverbial.

Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 Fr. Jerome as soon as he got back home arranged to send 3 priests. 31st July, 1971 was a red letter day in the history of the Carmelite Order and that of the local church because on that day the Carmelites came to Kothagudem, later headquarters of the Carmelite Mission and continue to be so even till today. Fr. Bernadine writes to his provincial in the beginning of Septem- ber, 1971: “You are longing to hear from us. First of all let me thank you for your kind and whole hearted co-operation in honoring us with a grand ceremony and for the glamorous send off with all the songs, orchestra etc. On 28th July we reached here in Khammam. On the next day, July 29th Bishop Beretta from Warangal came to meet us at Khammam. Fr. Antony Banda was sent to Dornakal on July 30, to assist Fr. Antonello, PIME. We accompanied him. And on 31st July we went to Kothagudem, a local city of Khammam district”.

On November 18, 1971 following the departure of Fr. Tiberius Raja to the major seminary at Hyderabad, Fr. Bernadine took charge of the parish of Kothagudem which became the headquarters of the O.C.D. Mission. On 27th December, 1971 on his return from holidays Fr. Sebastian Reddy left Thallada and Fr. Richard Castellino became the Parish Priest of Thallada. On January 2nd, Fr. Banda who was assisting Fr. Antenello at Dornakal became the Parish Priest of Budidampad. Thus when the O.C.D. Fathers took charge of the mission, Kothagudem parish had five outstations with 100 families, Thallada had 36 outstations with 1,500 families and Budidampad Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 had 18 outstations with 700 families spread over in seven Taluks of Khammam Districts. When Bishop Beretta asked, “Who is the Superior among the three?” Fr. Carmel who accompanied the first missionaries said to him, “no superior, all are equals.” But the Bishop insisted saying “If I am to contact or communicate something, what should I do?.” Pensively he said, “you may contact Fr. Bernadine.”

Evangelization was the reason why the Carmelite missionaries came to Andhra. However this does not become a cake walk as the language, culture, living conditions etc. were different. As the fathers were young there was missionary enthusiasm for evangeliza- tion. The receptive attitude of the poor and illiterate people to the Christian message redoubled the enthusiasm of these young fervent missionaries. They baptized village after village, building chapels, presbyteries, starting new parishes etc. The Manjummel province was happy to see the fast growth of the mission and sent more missionaries. As the number of Christian families increased and more missionaries like Frs. Antony Ambadan, Rudolf D’Souza, Aurelius, Gracian, Innocent, Guilbert, Fabian, Ephraim, Xavier, Raymond etc. arrived more parishes were created bifurcating from the three parishes under our pastoral care. Thus there was a fast growth in the number of the catholic families as well as in the number of the parishes.


































As the people in this mission field were from socially and economically backward, Social welfare and development was a part of missionaries’ evangelization effort. It was an effort at redeeming the total man and his environment. So, the missionaries have been with the people in their struggle for survival and subsistence. This identification with the people is one of the reasons why the missionaries have been accepted by these poor people, though they were from different states. In all their efforts Jesus, the Original Eternal Missionary was their model. The missionaries presented Christ to the people as their liberator from the clutches of their miseries.

There was no specific planning at the beginning with regard to the social developmental activities. However, the planning was occasioned by circumstances or events that presented themselves. For example there came one day 7 boys from Jaggaram village, they Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 came to stay at the premises of the parish house. They had provisions for 15 days. On enquiry fathers were told that in their village there was no school. Hence the Parish Priest has asked them to come and stay with him and that he would provide one meal perday. And for the rest, they have to bring provisions from their houses.Further a certain catechist told the fathers that there were many villages where there were no schools. And in fact this was true. This occasioned the missionaries to plan a charity home in each parish to which they could bring children from villages where there were no educational facilities.

The same was the case behind the decision to have dispensaries and convents in the each parish. In one of his letter of December 5th, 1971, Fr. Bernadine writes: “some time ago when I went to say Mass at Reddipalem, one of our outstation, I was surprised to see the Taluk Congress President, the Panchayat President, the Co- opera- tive Society President, some other officials of the Taluk head quarters Burgampad and people of Reddipalem coming to request me to build an hospital for them. They have made the same request to the Bishop last year. Now they promised to give two acres of land free of cost. Since the Bishop also was here he told them that I would do something for the realization of their desire. This request occasioned us to assess the medical need of the locality and to plan out and act immediately”.

In the question of planning for the mission, the pioneers did not have any blue print to be executed. This is a naked truth with regard to the establishment of the leper colony at Kothagudem. A chance encounter of 25 lepers in the church premises made the fathers visit the lepers clustered and living together in different places. It was Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 the desire to reinvest in them the lost human dignity and to beautify in them the disfigured figure of Christ they carry, that made the missionaries surmount all obstacles in establishing the Karunambika Lean Life Center (K.L.L.C) where they would be cared not as lepers but as brothers and sisters in Christ.

The establishment of a job oriented training centre was a simple corollary of the establishment of the various charity homes in our mission. Once the boys have passed 10th standard, what would be their future? This made the missionaries to think of the establish- ment of a job oriented training entre called the Mount Carmel Boys Town I.T.I, at New Palvoncha.
The net result of our involvement in these activities was crowning invitations from different villages to share with the people the good news of Christ which made them human persons. But this net result was not an aftermath of activities but a concomitant entity of our involvement.

Boarding Homes:

Since educational facilities were lack- ing in most of the villages the missionaries started to bring the des- titute children from different villages to their parish head quarters and provided them with all facilities. It is interesting to note the humble beginning of several of such charity homes which still pro- vide free boarding and lodging to hundreds and thousands of poor children later.

  • In 1971 Carmel Bala Nivas at Kothagudem began with 10 boys. A boarding house was built in 1972. Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023
  • In 1971, the Little Flower Bala Nivas at Thallada started with 7 boys and two girls.
  • In 1973 the Little Flower boarding at Kallur.
  • In 1975 Holy Rosary Orphanage at Yellandu.
  • In 1976 Christ the King boarding at Vemsur & Mary help of Christians boarding at Budidampad
  • In 1977 Sahayamatha boarding at Thiruvuru.
  • In 1977 Sacred Heart boarding at Gampalagudem.
  • In 1980 Arogyamatha Boys Boarding, Palvoncha.
  • In 1985 Avila Bala Nivas Boys Boarding Sarapaka.
  • In1992 Mount Carmel Boys home, Sathupally.
  • In 2001 Mount Carmel Girls home, Sathupally.
  • In 2008 St. Teresa’s Girls home at Reddipalem.

  • Schools:

    In some places, even in the missionary headquar- ters there were no schools. In other places the standard of educa- tion was deteriorating because of the absence of teachers. In other cases Harijan children were discriminated with the result that they stopped going to schools. Hence it was imperative for the mission- aries to start schools. We may enumerate the following schools.

  • In 1977 the Little Buds Primary School in Budidampad inaugurated by Mr. B. N. Raman chairman and managing director of the Singareni Collieries Company Ltd.
  • In 1978, St. Francis Xavier Primary School was established at Kothagudem.
  • In 1977 Mount Carmel School at Navabharat, old Palvoncha was established in view of bringing the CSST Congregation at Old Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 Palvoncha. The Mother General, Very Rev. Sr. Mary CSST Bernadine, and her councillors came and met Mr. Punnaiah, Managing Director and everything was more or less finalized. But the project was aban- doned. And the school died out and the encroachers took away the land and the school shed.
  • In 1978 RCM school at Rajalingala.
  • In 1979 Sacred Heart School at Reddigudem, Thallada.
  • In 1980 Jyothi Nilayam convent school at Sathupally.
  • In 1981, Regina Carmeli Convent School at New Palvoncha.
  • In 1983 St. Teresa’s School at Sarapaka.
  • In 1998 San Juan Vidhya Niketan, Choutuppal.
  • In 2002 St. Theresa of Child Jesus School at Ranasthalam.
  • In 2009 St Xavier’s English Medium School, Kothagudem.
  • In 2010 Little Flower English Medium School , Kalluru.

  • The Mount Carmel Boys Town, ITI:

    Is a project meant for 500. youth to give them some sort of job oriented education. The youth included the rural youth who do not go to school, the drop outs from schools, the way sideyouth and also those who, after their 10th class., have no job. The government has given 20 acres of land for the loca- tion of the project. In December, 1980 Misereor has given financial assistance to establish the Industrial Training Institute.

    In Medical Field:

    Medical facilities are either totally absent or insufficient in the mission area. Complying with the appeal of the missionaries, in 1975 Misereor has sanctioned three dispensaries and three con- vents to cater to the needs of the more or less fifty villages sur- Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 rounding each dispensary. The dispensaries are situated in:

  • At Budidampad, Carmel Dispensary staffed by Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix. The convent was inaugurated on 28th October, 1975. The dispensary was inaugurated in 1976 by P.V.R.K. Prasad, district Collector, Khammam.
  • At Reddipalem, St. Peter’s Dispensary (Petra Sadan Carmel Dispensary 1977) staffed by the Sisters of Deena Sevana Sabha. Before the dispensary was handed over to the sisters, Dr. Fr. Innocent was treating all sorts of incurable diseases (Homeopathy) here in this dispensary.
  • At Sulanagar, St. Aloysius Dispensary staffed by the Sisters of St. Aloysius D’ Gonzaga. The Convent was blessed by Rt. Rev. Thumma Joseph, Bishop of Vijayawada on 8th September, 1980.
  • At Vemsur: Msgr. Victor San Miguel after his coming to the Andhra mission has built monumental hospital with 50 to 100 beds and the C.T.C. sisters offered the service.
  • Karunambika Lean Life Center :

    Among the many works of Charity rendered by our missionaries to widows, orphans, the homeless, the sick and the old people, the work done among the lepers deserve special mention. The social and charitable work had done by our missionaries have already attracted the attention of the government authorities. In 1975, the District Collector already ad- dressed a letter to Fr. Bernadine saying “As you are in touch with many of the social service organizations, I shall be glad if you could see that something is done to the poor victimized (Leprosy patients) Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 persons” ( P.V.R.K. Prasad, District Collector, Khammam D.O. No 344HKNS LUC,1975, dated 5-10-1975).

    Even before the Collector requested, occasional help by way of food and clothing was given to them. And this was being contin- ued until 1980 when due to utter destitution of the lepers the Sub- Collector, Jannat Hussian, Kothagudem (D.O R.C.No.219280, dated 7-08-1980 and D.O. R. C. No. G496880, dated 30-12-1980) requested the missionaries to take complete charge of the mainte- nance and rehabilitation of the lepers. Since the government was so co-operative and although taking up the responsibility of mainte- nance and rehabilitation of 75 lepers is not so easy, nevertheless our missionaries took up the work of feeding them since July 1980.

    In 2-02-1981, during his visit, Very. Rev. Fr. Philip Sainz de Baranda, Superior General, after ascertaining the mind of the mis- sionaries encouraged them to do everything for the lepers. The Sis- ters of St. Aloysius D’ Gonzaga came forward to supervise the work from July 31, 1981, the 10th anniversary of the mission. Msgr. Vic- tor gave the initial help for 6 months (Ref: to Msgr. Victor San. Miguel, back to India, 1984, PP 71-72, where he says he has adopted 75 lepers after his coming from Kuwait). Thanks to the efficient work of the sisters and of the Delegate Provincial, Fr. Guilbert Nedumparambil, that 65 house have been built for the lepers. and in 1985 and they were inaugurated. The sisters of St. Vincent de Paul were replaced by the Sisters of St. Aloysius D’ Gonzaga from 1989.

    In The Economic Development :

    It is difficult to give the number of all the economic devel- opment projects undertaken for the welfare of the people by our missionaries during these years. One can only enumerate the many agricultural and drinking water wells dug in the area. In 1975-1976 seeds and fertilizers were distributed to farmers of Mutyalampadu, Uppasaka, Sulanagar and in other villages.

    The assistance was given in 1974 by Fr. Antony Ambadan for self employment scheme in Thallada for basket making. Supply of bullocks and carts was done from 1975-1981 for Pinapaka and Nehru Nagar. Piggery and goat scheme was executed in Budidampad and also loans for vegetable marketing. Help was rendered to the homeless due to natural ca- lamities by way of money and material and also by constructing houses at Kalluru by Richard Castellino. In 1977 Fr. Adeodatus Macaleff, Definitor General distributed the emergency relief help sanctioned by Caritas India for the fire victims of Aswapuram. Fr. Gratian Lobo, Fr. Guilbert, Fr. George Padamadan, Fr. Jacob Vallomthayyil and others did similar work in Budidampad, Vemsur, Reddipalem and Palvoncha. The sisters too conducted tailoring cen- ters, handicrafts training centers and weaving centre, wherever it was possible. They were also engaged in Mother and Child health programs, visiting villages and give health care instructions.

    As part of our commitment to the poor, in these past years several houses have been constructed to the poor in our parishes. Providing drinking water through digging bore wells was also part of our social welfare activities. The establishments of a women wel- fare centre at Choutuppal in 2003 and the other at Kalluru in 2009 Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 demonstrate our involvement in women welfare..

    Community Foundation for Children and Aging

    From the year 1976 our boarding program was supported by Action in Distress (A.I.D.), London, through their sponsorship pro- gram for the children. However, due to the change of their own aims and objectives, the A.I.D. stopped all the Boarding programs. This situation has badly affected the running of our boarding homes and the schools. In this very difficult situation Fr. Guilbert, the then regional superior had no other option than to approach a few Agen- cies for the support of our boarding Homes. All his appeals were rejected by the Agencies. However, Fr. Guilbert approached Mr. Robert Hentzen, the President of the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, based in Kansas City (CFCA), and requested their help by sponsoring at least 10 children of our Kothagudem Boarding. Mr. Bob Hentzen was kind enough to grant the request of Fr. Guilbert.

    Until the end of 1986 our Kothagudem project was in standstill with the 10 sponsored children. However, by the end of 1988, most of our boardings had few to several sponsored children. Thus, from the humble beginning of the sponsorship for10 children in the year 1985, the OCD mission in Andhra had 3301 children & 95 Aged sponsored in 78 Subprojects by the year 2002. Out of these only 27 sub projects were under the care of the OCD fathers and the other 51 subprojects were given to different religious congregations and diocesan priests. In this way the OCD

    Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 mission could support the charitable activities of many other religious congregations and the individual priests.
    Unfortunately due to the changing world and the growth of the CFCA in all these years, they too have changed their aims and objectives and mode of functioning. As a result this program which helped thousands of children in all these years had come to a halt in March 2008. However, we still continue to run the free boardings in spite of such a set back and consequent difficulties, since it is part of our contribution to the society here in Andhra Pradesh.

    Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 In 1978 at the request of the Bishop of Vijayawada, the missionar- ies have taken up two Parishes namely Tiruvuru and Gampalagudem in the district of Krishna.

    The zeal with which the missionaries worked is manifested by the statistics of the mission in 1988.

    Diocese Parishes Sub Stations Chappels Catholics Catechumenss CateChists
    Khammam Kothagudem
    Vijayawada Gampala

    All this was possible through a simple method followed by the missionaries: The chance encounter of a Christian or a catechist or even a priest lead the people, to request to know more about Christ. The priest then visits the particular village. After ascertaining the motives and circumstances which led the people to make such a request and if convinced of the genuineness of their request, the priest accepts to instruct them in Christian faith, a process which usually lasts for three years. This process leads to the growth and multiplication of the parishes.
