St. Joseph’ Novitiate House, Tenali

Postulancy is a prerequisite to enter into Novitiate during which the candidate is initiated into Carmelite Religious life as per the Constitutions and Norms of the Order. It is a time whereby the candidate progressively adapts to religious life, especially to Carmelite Religious Life from secular life

Functioning of the House

Postulancy is a period of 9 to 12 months formation program which aims at promoting human and Christian maturity so that the candidate is freely capable of further discerning his Vocation to the Carmelite Religious life. Hence, keeping that aim in mind the community arranges all the necessary activities as per the directives of the Provincial Superior.


Since this is a time where there are no regular secular or ecclesiastical studies, the students have ample of time to discern their vocation and are provided with plentiful opportunities to form themselves, inculcating Human, Spiritual Values. This is a time for the candidate to nurture each aspect of his life, time for Prayer, manual work and sports, Recreation and Celebrations, time for Outings, etc.,

During this period of time, all the activities are oriented towards fundamental elements of Carmelite life: Community living, Carmelite Spirituality: Prayer and Contemplative life. Therefore, monthly recollection, annual retreat and Novena Prayers before the feasts of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Therese of Child Jesus, Novena to Infant Jesus, etc.