Part V

During the last two Trienniums and the present one, the importance is given to the community living of the Carmelite friars. We, as the Discalced Carmelites, have obligation of community living. As the number of the friars is increasing, the community living is much asserted and it is going on well. That is why in every community minimum three friars are appointed. The community helps for all the activities in the Parish, Institutions and the community activities etc.

The buildings of the mission centers were built for one or two friars to stay. Thus these mission centers turned monasteries/communities have no facilities. During these three to four years, the importance is being given for the renovation and construction of monasteries thus making the building conducive for the residence of the friars in the communities. The buildings at Thallada, Kalluru, Kamalapuram have been renovated providing all the better facilities for the community living.

The present Provincial House of the Province was a Mission Center. But the Province has lot of attachment to this house in the Diocese of Khammam. It is from here that all the missionary activities have been done. Thus it has been decided to continue the present St. Francis Xavier Monastery as the Provincial House of the Province. Therefore, in order to provide facilities for the Provincial administration and various activities of the OCD Service Society and various activities of the Province, the monastery is being renovated with minimum but decent facilities. In order to protect the building, Straus work has been done; new guest rooms and offices are being prepared.

Even though the mission is not expanded to new places and Diocese, the missionary activities have been intensified. The new mission stations are added in every Parish in various Dioceses. As the number of friars in the communities increased, the pastoral actives in the parishes have given lot of attention and time. The activities like house visits, family prayers, youth animations, counseling for the families, catechism classes for the children and adults etc have been intensified; associations like Little Way Association, St. Vincent De Paul Society, Legion of Mary, Secular Carmel, Choir Groups etc have been well guided and accompanied.

In the last five years, the activities of OCD Service Society, the social wing of the Province have been intensified and the benefits have reached to all the needed people. The educational importance is emphasized and the poor families are conscientized to join their children in our free English medium schools and get the best and life changing education freely or with nominal fees.

Keeping in mind the special importance for the girl child we have provided boarding home facilities, better educational facilities for the girls especially from rural and remote regions of the society.

Right from the beginning of the mission we have a special regard for the people from Leprosy Rehabilitation Centre (KLLC). In this 5years with generous help of the LaObra Maxima, Spain. The Houses were being repaired and through the kind assistance from Kumara Infancia, the water facility was provided by building a overhead water tank which eliminated problem of water scarcity.