Karunambika Lean Life Center :

Among the many works of Charity rendered by our missionaries to widows, orphans, the homeless, the sick and the old people, the work done among the lepers deserve special mention. The social and charitable work had done by our missionaries have already attracted the attention of the government authorities. In 1975, the District Collector already ad- dressed a letter to Fr. Bernadine saying “As you are in touch with many of the social service organizations, I shall be glad if you could see that something is done to the poor victimized (Leprosy patients) Carmelite Directory of Telangana - Andhra Pradesh 2020 - 2023 persons” ( P.V.R.K. Prasad, District Collector, Khammam D.O. No 344HKNS LUC,1975, dated 5-10-1975).

Even before the Collector requested, occasional help by way of food and clothing was given to them. And this was being contin- ued until 1980 when due to utter destitution of the lepers the Sub- Collector, Jannat Hussian, Kothagudem (D.O R.C.No.219280, dated 7-08-1980 and D.O. R. C. No. G496880, dated 30-12-1980) requested the missionaries to take complete charge of the mainte- nance and rehabilitation of the lepers. Since the government was so co-operative and although taking up the responsibility of mainte- nance and rehabilitation of 75 lepers is not so easy, nevertheless our missionaries took up the work of feeding them since July 1980.

In 2-02-1981, during his visit, Very. Rev. Fr. Philip Sainz de Baranda, Superior General, after ascertaining the mind of the mis- sionaries encouraged them to do everything for the lepers. The Sis- ters of St. Aloysius D’ Gonzaga came forward to supervise the work from July 31, 1981, the 10th anniversary of the mission. Msgr. Vic- tor gave the initial help for 6 months (Ref: to Msgr. Victor San. Miguel, back to India, 1984, PP 71-72, where he says he has adopted 75 lepers after his coming from Kuwait). Thanks to the efficient work of the sisters and of the Delegate Provincial, Fr. Guilbert Nedumparambil, that 65 house have been built for the lepers. and in 1985 and they were inaugurated. The sisters of St. Vincent de Paul were replaced by the Sisters of St. Aloysius D’ Gonzaga from 1989.

Groceries Distribution at KLLC

The OCD Service Society which takes care of Karunambika Lean Life Centre (KLLC), leprosorium ensured that the families are provided with necessary food item's during this Pandemic Time.