As a Discalced Carmelite in the novitiate the basic purpose by which a novice begins his life in the Order, is to offer him a genuine experience of what it means to be consecrated to God in the Teresian Carmel. This reality is marked by his reception of the habit and name and title.

It is an intense year,lasts a canonical year when a candidate receives formation in the contemplative, fraternal and apostolic aspects that comprise the rich tradition that is our spirituality and way of life.The novitiate is a year of grace and an essential foundation for the whole life of a religious. As such novices are assigned a novice master who is both knowledgeable and experienced in the spiritual life and especially in the life of Carmel.

Novices receive classes to help immerse them in our spiritual patrimony and assist them in their transition to full Carmelite life.Most of the entire novitiate is ordered to be an intimate, profound, and life changing experience of God.

At present we have 4 Novices, Bro.Naveen, Bro. Madhu, Bro. Sampath & Bro. Thomas.