Saint Teresa of Jesus (1515-1582)

St John Of The Cross was born in Fontiveros (Castilla) in the year 1542. He entered the Carmelite Order in Medina del Campo and in 1567 he was ordained a priest in Salamanca. The summer of that year he met Mother Teresa of Jesus in Medina del Campo. At the time of that fortunate encounter, the foundress was 52 and the “santico” fray Juan was 25.

The intuition of St. Teresa was accurate and undeniable. From then on these two great mystic authors of Christianity walked together in the history of Carmel and Christian spirituality. Won over by her for the new ideal of Carmel, John of the Cross initiated the new experience of the Carmelite life with Fr. Antonio de Jesus and others in Duruelo, Avila, on November 28, 1568. He shines with his own light in Carmel and the Church.

He died in Ubeda, the night of December 13 towards midnight in 1591. His body rests in Segovia. Beatified on January 25, 1675 and canonized in 1726, two centuries later on August 24, 1926, Pius XI declared him a Doctor of the Church for his teachings in the domain of mysticism.