Saint Teresa of Jesus (1515-1582)

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face:Cheerfulness and transparency together with an original wisdom and strength are some of the traits of this young and popular saint of Carmel. Therese Martin was born on January 2, 1873 in Aleòncon, France. A few years later the family moved to Lisieux upon the death of the mother when Therese was four years old. In April of 1888, at the age of 15, in spite of several hurdles, she succeeded to enter the Carmel of Lisieux. The great discovery of her life was that God is merciful love and that He is approached by confidence and simplicity while remaining always in humility and spiritual poverty.

In the afternoon of September 30, 1897 she dies with the words: “My God, I love you.” The Story of a Soul, her Autobio- graphical Manuscript is the most read religious book after the Bible in the 20th century. It was the origin of numerous religious and priestly vocations and many conversions. Also important are her letters, poems, plays for the convent recreations and prayers. Authentic photographs of her are also printed.

She was called the “greatest saint of modern times” by Pope Pius X. Pius XI considered her “the star of my pontificate,” and he canonized her on May 25 1925. On December 14, 1927 he proclaimed her the universal patron of the Missions. With the Papal Bull “Divini Amoris Scientia” on October 19, 1997 Pope John Paul II proclaimed her a Doctor of the Church.